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  • Writer's pictureMegan George

My Transformation Story

It’s hard to believe I once lived my life miserable, exhausted, uncomfortable and like a zombie.

I remember this day on the left like it was yesterday.

We were visiting our friends in Michigan and we went to walk a garden. It was beautiful. But it was hot and I was so uncomfortable and out of shape. I was exhausted. I remember my friend Amber taking this pic of Tommy and I. I was excited to be there and wanted all the pics for memories. After I saw it though I was like omg I need to do something.

I didn’t recognize myself. I was exhausted all the time. I felt like I couldn’t “live life to the fullest” cause it required too much energy and I didn’t have any.

I always wanted to live a life of travel and do all the adventures and activities. It’s my one thing that I absolutely love. But I didn’t see how that kind of life would be possible when I never left my couch cause I was the Netflix and nap queen.

Then came PTKs and it changed my life.

Within 2 weeks I was not drinking my 3-4 Red Bulls a day or all my fountain sodas. I was drinking one packet of PTKs and had energy all day!

I was coming home and instead of passing out on my couch after dinner, I was vacuuming and walking my dog with my hubby.

After 2 months I was able to fit in jeans and feel good in them again. I was down 2 pant sizes and 30 pounds.

No strict diet. No keto those first 2 months. No exercise or gym workout plan. Just healthy choices and cut down on carbs. It was simple.

I continued and lost 70 pounds and feel like I can live life to the fullest now.

Life is worth living.

You won’t make memories from your couch watching Netflix and binge eating cookies. It was scary to try something new and hope it would be the one magical thing to work for me but I’m happy I did it.

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